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Use our estimator tool to calculate your potential 179D deductions and 45L tax credits.
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Use our estimator tool to calculate your potential 179D deductions and 45L tax credits

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Credits and deductions are accessible for projects, new or remodeled, that adhere to energy efficiency standards.
Note: Please enter the estimated completion date for projects that are still in constructions.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Talk to an expert. No hard sell, ever. We only want to work with you if it's a fit.
Why TaxTaker? What Makes You Qualified To Do This?

Our specialized accounting and engineering teams have been securing these tax incentives for over a decade. Our highly specialized experience means your business is positioned for the maximum amount of benefit, with the confidence that you've got an accurate and complete deliverable every time. So far we have completed thousands of studies and saved our clients more than $75 million.

We also respect and want you to keep your existing accountant and bookkeeping relationships. We simply cover specific portions of the federal tax code with the finest precision so your existing teams are well supported and you spend your time doing what you do best: building your company - while getting lots of money back every year!

What Are TaxTaker’s Fees?

Working with TaxTaker is risk free. TaxTaker collects a success fee only if you qualify for a tax credit. We also offer flexible payment options so you can choose to pay over 6 or 12 months.

Has My CPA Already Taken These Energy Efficiency Incentives For Me?

It is possible that your CPA has taken other deductions but not necessarily the 179D Tax Deduction. Incentives like 179D and 45L require an in person site visit from an engineer that most CPA’s are not qualified to perform.

When's The Best Time To See If I'm Eligible For These Energy Incentives?

The best time to evaluate energy incentives like the 179D deduction, 45L tax credit, and the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is right at the beginning of your project planning phase. Doing this early allows you to design your project to meet specific requirements, ensuring you qualify for maximum benefits and can plan your budget effectively. It also helps you integrate energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy systems from the start, rather than retrofitting later, and gives you ample time to gather necessary documentation for compliance.

What Is The Ideal Project Size For 179D?

While any size commercial building is eligible for the 179D deduction, the ideal project size is 25,000 square feet or larger. For residential, the project must be at least 4 stories.

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